Notice the catchy title to this post? Its sole purpose is to attract the search results of millions of delusional goof balls out there who think they're going to search the internet for Spielberg's email address, then email him their script of "Indiana Jones 4".
You may briefly think that the sweet innocence of such a presumptuous maneuver is sort of "cute". However, that feeling of sympathy should be fleeting, or non-existent if the person is any older than, say-- six years old. Any older than that and you have a duty to make fun of them.
Take the hilarious example below that I came across, which illustrates the technique to perfection:

(click image to view larger)
This young man has no excuse. He's 14 and should know better. He only has four short years until he's allowed to vote, so let's hope he gets his head screwed on a little tighter before then. Just think, in less than 24 months of that post little Andrew could be behind the wheel of a car making decisions.
But shame on me. Let's not make fun of the children. They are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. So to any parents who say I should not mock a 14 year old's dreams, regardless of his complete lack of common sense, I provide the following public service:
Anyone interested in having Steven Spielberg direct a couple of their movies, should get a talent agent and have them send your script to the following address:
Creative Artists Agency
9830 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA
Phone: 310.288.4545
Fax.: 310.288.4800
If that doesn't work, try:
Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
100 Universal Plaza, #477
Universal City, CA 91608, USA
Phone: 818.733.7000
If Spielberg still says no after all that effort, it's a lost cause. You'd better call up Rowland Emmerich. He'll direct just about anything.
p.s.- On second thought, forget Spielberg. Go to the below link to have a look at a REAL movie.
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»does that count for me? i'm 11 and I have an idea for a great show and like a shorter vesion of a movie idea. it's 30 minutes long.
Find me a SS e-mail address
iam from INDIA,land of ideas.. have simple yet effective story have for my MASTER(speliberg).please allow me to sahre with him only..personally because its very hardhitting. trust me, i would expect sometime a message from my master only.waiting
I think that you are wrong. I have the best idea for a movie ever(with the exception of 'Oh Heavenly Dog', which is possibly the greatest piece of cinema ever created) and I think that my MASTER should turn it into a movie. Please don't destroy my fragile optimism, I am only 54, and if I lose faith in this project I will begin to think that Ralph Nader has no chance to become president.
Hey I have a killer movie! that i want to send yea im only 14 but its gonna be awesome do you know how i can get in touch with a director?
i dont care for spilburges address but my cuzin dose he in jail in new ;; york he is always righting me to get n address so he can send you a taste of his script please he not in jail for anything realbad just robbery hes a yung guy but he gots some good thouths to make a change if u realy want to help him email me matthbim8@aol
Hi Stevie. Ross here.
If you fly a lot of airplains through hurricane formation areas when such storms usually form, it will wreck hurricane formation. (Airplanes fly horizontally, hurricanes form vertically.) That's why we didn't have any storms hitting the mainland this last season, because the US put a lot of aircraft in the formation area taking measurements and such. Sahara dust and el ninjo had nothing to do with it. (Sometimes telling cause from effect and coincidence is difficult if you're an airhead.)
If you wipe sticks of chewing gum across a man's face and then give them to a criminal or ocd patient or homosexual to chew, those people straighten up. It's what I was working on in Syracuse when I turned your deal down, Stevie. (Incidentally, tell all the big armed thugs in big black limos that I said hello. Will ya?)
Summing up: No more hurricanes, no more crime/perversion/mental illness, plus I've got a lot more. Too bad they pulled me out of med school in my last year because I helped you so much and 'Jed Clampit in there'. You know, maybe if you weren't quite so greedy... Saw you & the babe on the Kennedy Center Honors. Have you got any idea of what kind of a pig you would have wound up with without me, and she wouldn't be a US Senator, either.
Basically I've saved your life, made you rich, and set you up for life with a big bright blonde 25 years younger than you. And how about me? Well...
Oh, thank Miramax for the dollar for the Cave solo for Dead Poets, the tapes were nice, too. Still got them! And that 'Roy Hunt' (ha ha) you stuck in my house paid me $250.00 a month like clockwork for his room that year. I really needed that renter, Steve. His consistent cash infusion allowed me to figure out how to cure criminal behavior, to cure perversions (even foot fetish) and nearly all the autoimmune diseases, too. Too bad your bumbling interlopers got in touch with the top of my medical school somehow and they threw me out. Of course, completely destitute and suffering from typhus & after my operation, I couldn't finish medical school anywhere else. Ann wouldn't help me for some reason, Bubba was completely unresponsive. George (also a Bubba, by the way--are we sensing a pattern here?), you don't know but I set him up too, like you Ann, Bubba, & Hillary, he's also unresponsive.
Sure I suffer from that, but I suffer continuously. Did you know that my own family feels sorry for me? They can't bring themselves to believe me. Then what happens? Disrespect, contempt, even fear! Oh Great God it hurts me, Stephen. You just cant' imagine. (Maybe you can though, eh? You still have a vivid imagination.) You can't blame them, I mean suddenly it's 'me, God and Steven Spielberg, et al.', it's just too much of a stretch for normal people. It probably happens to you, too. But people have seen your face, heard your voice, with a little time, they'll recognize you. But if you're me, it's: 'Where's the money? 200 projects and you let them ALL cheat you?' (Say, isn't that statistically impossible, this is a test for somebody, right?) I did the HOPE Scholarship Program for Georgia: college educations for millions and millions of poor people. No one believes me. I have cured crime, demonstrated a cure for heroine addiction in front of their faces. Nobody believes me. Why? You are why, Stevie. I didn't know all the costs back in 1972, but God told me most of them, it's not like I didn't believe Him, but, well, it was a lot. Besides I was only in front of you and them because I'd poured out my heart to God, faithful and true.
So why am I telling you this now? First of all, I know you'll see it. But each of us, Stevie, each is an individual actor, and we can change ourselves. It is nearly impossible for you to openly help me. Even God doesn't think you can ever do it, and THE DUDE has been to the end of time and back, but I know your soul, Steve. You can overcome greed and arrogance, and desultoriness and perservere as I did to help you long, long ago in a galaxie far far away. You have free will. Somebody says you're a chump, that your heart is hard and your neck stiff. (Say, how come you had to wait so long for the KCH thing? Shouldn't you have gotten the FIRST one, alone? Kats? Who's Cats? Who were those hangers on? You're the reaon the whole show was on the air, and they honored your tunes man years ahead of you? What were the dolts thinking? I said it, remember? If you went to college it would be a waste of your time, remember? Since you already had forgotten more about making great films than any of those college proffessors would ever learn. That wasn't me talking, Steve. You know that now, don't ya?) So, come down, play Clarke Kent. De-cocoon yourself.
does 12 count i don't know and i don't quite care ether im quite ticked off with you because you havn't actually achieved your objective of your heading: what is steven spielbergs' frigging email address not yours are anbody elses websites on google actually anser the question i put in the surch box but i know he has one because i read it in a book (non-fiction) somewhere besides that you sound quite nice i admire your sacastic, taktless and snide comments you sound like a person who dosent leave people guessing what you think of them you just go out and tell them though i wouldent like to be on the reciving end
Steven, When are you going to make a re make of Ray Bradburys The Martian Chronicles. This was made for you to direct. It will be a box office hit!!!!You heard it from me first - Sonny Faiz Sydney Australia
Blogger-men you are an A-hole, who are you to crush the dreams of a 14-year-old.
Hey Guy Pointing,
You're absolutely right. All these idiots who posted above are fools and half of them don't know how to spell. For example, the one right above this calls you "blogger-men". That means he believes you are multiple people or is just sadly lame at writing English.
Who are these idiots who are posting here and addressing Spielberg directly as if this is his website? Get a friggen CLUE people. Spielberg's address isn't on the internet and if it were, he'd immediately change it. Everyone now go stare in the mirror and repeat after me "Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
oh i just love a good debate. they're such a healthy way to start the day. don't you agree?
I need to know, does any of this shit actually work cause i am writing a book of World war three and a terrorist war in america. and it is also going to be transformed into a scrpit for a play for my school, i just want this to go big, or at least be made into a movie, i don't care if i am named, just as long as it doesn't become credited by anyone
To the person who posted above:
Before you write a book or script you should address your addiction to commas and get some healthy, correct uses of periods into your life. Your comment was a freakin' mess.
this is sanket ,from india..the land of 21 n i gt a very nice script...i want only steve to make a movie on this bcoz the only person who can make a movie touching the heart of people is id is steve giv a chance to me
Hi ,I'm Mokhtar Lalouani..Algerian I'm28years olde,and I've written two very interesting of theme speaks about a war in the dimention of souls ..the seconde tells us about a great rivalery between the hero ^^Yaçine^^ and the satonic presence called ^^Divon^^.Those novels are writen in arabic and my english is poor so I can't translate theme into the english language.Then I propose theme to Mr Steven Spielberg as films manuscripte if he is not interested others -those who are specialised are welcom.My name and adress.. Mr mokhtar Lalouani 347/02 cité nord..bousaada28200 L'Algerie.My E-mail
Oh my GOD!!! Have you seen some of the crap that has been coming out of Hollywood lately? It's not even worth going to the movies anymore. All these people are trying to do is have a voice and contact someone. You sit on your "high and mighty" throne and throw rocks. I would not have said anything, but when I noticed that an 11 year old posted a comment, then I had to say something. Jerk!
Spielberg..bah .what is great about the guy anyway.He is a director people and the stories that he does come from writers.You should tip your hats to the writers because without a story there is no movie.About Steven well the industry needs a top dog so since he has been in the biz for long he is the mark but i see nothing to say wow about in his work snce the the 90s.It is just the hype like buying a Nike shoes even if it is made in China and is worse than than a no name brand.He did not write Jurassic park and J.Johnson proved he could do a good job as spielberg in Jur 3 so that is plain hype.Indy is the idea mixed with actorship of Ford and the nostalgia of the 80s that is moving things up.If you get any hollywood stream director with a good story and millions in Sfx he can produce a top movie even if his name is not Steven S.
it is really fun to read all this...
I am not 14...I am more than the double...
men... if ever he read this,...When i say he, you now who...
He must have a smile...
He had a great career...and that may be why he his so admired...
he deserve it any way...
I see in here so much of hope...
I mean in the comments...I think that all of them are confronted to the same problem...
find a solution...and fast...
I am like them...
I have an Animation already done to sell...
And no publicity budget...
It have really interesting aspect, and originality...but without people knowing's hard...
I am leafing at myself...I am so naive some time...
Any way have a look to the site and please speak about it to friends...we never know even to him...And all of you keep fiting for your dream...(with a bit of realism some time) because without them...
Hi my name is Mark i am from Poland im 25 years old and i have great script for move that can be only made be Steven Spielberg because ours films are only in genre drama or comedy and my script is for S-Fi movie. Story line is about a guy who woke up in his room but nothing is to be right, the room is change his wife dont recognize him etc. i will not write here all the details there is lot of action good scenario many space for special effects if you are interest this is my email
hola,steven si ves mi mensaje.te daras cuenta acontinuacion que mis argumentos para estar seguro que deverias hacer una pelicula jamas vista puesto que mi imaginacion es infinita. viajamos en el espacio en esta inmensa nave con vida propia que es la tierra alternando con diferentes submundos que no conocemos .nuestra crioinvernacion insuficiente puesto que dormimos muy pocas horas envejecemos y morimos y seguiremos esperando tranfomados en espiritus,pero depues de viajar por miles de anos llegaremos a nuestro destino .entonces esta arca donde viajamos se tranformara y desenbarcan todas sus criaturas para
If you young people ever wish to have your script read by production companies, you might want to consider hiring a professional. I work for Dreamworks as a film producer however my name shall remain anonymous.
i am from srbia i have book comedy for films realization i like to contact to steven spielberg. ja sam napisao jedan roman komediju za filmsku realizaciju i hocu da me kontaktirate sa stivena spilberga da se prilagodimo o romanu
i am from srbia i have book comedy i like to contact to steven spielberg
i am from srbia i have book comedy for films realizations this book is prise 150 000$ please youre give me address to steven spielberg to contact .ja sam napisao jedan roman komediju za filmsku ekranizaciju nudim vam roman dogovoricemo se o kupoprodaji dajte mi kontakt sa stivena spilberga
Dear name is LD J MAGEN and Im from ISRAEL Haifa...I think that Im holding the most amazing idea wich is so magical and will touch every body in the world in such different ways... I belive that you are the only one that can actually take that idea and make it real and alive...
i cant tell about it in here ,know its a blast even greater than lord of the rings...
would love to say more about it,, and trust me you would want that story .... its something we would all want and dream off , crossing fingers and hope some one that is related to you will actually contact me and that magical mistery legend will arise on it feet and come alive kicking and breathing.....
sincirly yours//
Hai Stephen spielberg sir
I am Ur Great great fan of you sir. i am from india . My Name is Sundar. ur films are very nice and ur directing ,stories and thing of imaging are very nice and execellent sir. I Love stephen Spielberg by sundar.
stephen spielberg fans contact my id,
stephen spielberg fanz please contact me by sundar from india .
my id,
Sou Victor Rodrigues sou de Brazilian e gostaria de fazer parte do elenco de volta para futuro 4 e trabalhar,prometo ter muita dedicação e disciplina nesse filme por favor entre em contado
Victor Rodrigues tenho 17 anos e muita vontade de fazer parte desse filme
Many kisses?
You must remember this: you werw going in for a doublé european – style greeting Kiss with a friend who was expecting only a single cheek peck.
It´s an aw kward question that ans constantly you pucker up ? Here´s a handy guide:
A single buss is acceptable in the u.s. but it´s mostly a big city, phenom. Womwn will give a brief hug while men shake hands. In teh middlle esat one kiss on teh lip is a normal greeting, but not betuween men and women.
Two: double up in Spain, Austria , sweden,hungary and, more recently, in Britain.
Three or more : Triple kisses will work in egypt, Russia switzerland and the netherlands. Business in Belgium?
Three kisses are a song of respect for those at bast 10 years older than you. Dack your lip balm in france; many people still insist on four kisses.
Keep your lipes to yourself: Germans rarelyh greet with a kiss. In chile, opt for an abraza ( a handshake, hug hybrid).
Skip the kiss and bow or shake hands instead when visiting japan china and Korea
Hey, I would like SS's e-mail address or even his personal Phone number, simply because I have an idea that I NEED to tell him for a Jurassic Park 4. Every idea I've heard about online sucks, and makes me think that if they do make a 4th movie, it will ruin the franchise even more so than the third movie already has. Everybody who has heard of my idea for a fourth Jurassic Park says that it is awesome and Spielberg NEEDS to hear it. I don't care if I don't get any money or even any credit for it, just as long as my idea becomes a reality.
I was wondering if you could make a movie out of these books the first one is for children and would be rated Y7 for children name of book is The Magic Half author is Annie Barrows it came out in 2008.
The second book is called Thursday At Eight It would be rated PG 14 Author is Debbie Macomber.
The third book is Christmas Wishes
Author is Debbie Macomber. Rated PG
I hope you can make these books into a movie please.
Mr.speilberg i am attorney at law in pakistan lahore city an i think its time to make an soul touching islamic movie purely based on my mentality becuz of my ansestral attachment with HUSSAIN the grand son of MUHAMMAD wo wo wait its nt about what happened in QARBALA war .contect me if u want endless fame in muzlims an GOD . 00923009491653 . ITS MY CELL
After over 50 years of viewing cinema, I still regard the old Disney films as the most entertaining. Mr. Spielberg has surely added to that list with his thought-provoking classics. The past several years in the movie industry have yielded only a handful of Disney/Spielberg-like quality films. I miss those.
C. David Replogle,
Author of the novel "The Angelics"
Let's get this straight Steven spielburg is not a god just a movie director
the person who wrote this article is a completey dick head and i pity him or her on how pathetic he or she is to have to mock a teenager and their dreams just to get a laugh!
hey man i just wanted to email steven spielberg to ask him if he could please work with warner bros again and make cartoons good again like Tiny Toon Adventures Animaniacs i really want them back spielberg
can you make about 911 and how Bush decided to kill of his own people, That would be interesting and like the REAL THING!
Don't blame you for laughing at wannabe's, must be a billion of 'em! I have an original strip of 6 frames from the movie ET that were found in NBC's trash can in 1976. I wanted Mr. Spielberg's opinion/permission before I list it on EBAY for sale. It's the transition where ET is showing Elliot where he came from. This strip of 6 frames has never been seen before, as it is ORIGINAL neagtive film CUT from the movie before positives were made.
Mr. Spielberg,
It's time to make the movie the public is waiting for; a remake of "Seven Days in May" (originally made in 1964)
Mr. Spielberg,
I'm Mia and I have a script with me. I will apreciate it if you give it 30 mns of your time. If intersted contact me at (
I just want to beg him not to ruin Harvey and for the love of all things holy, not to cast Robert Downey Jr.
:( *too lazy to send him a letter*
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The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win. - Roger BannisterA man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time pills or stairs. It is important to address the reason for your weight gain in the first place. This is the reason why so many conventional and fad diets fail, because they take the food intake away and reduce the calories, but they do not identify and deal with the causes of the weight gain. The American researchers looked at the effect of dieting on the brains and appetite of mice. [url=][/url] Follow the above tips though and you will soon be losing weight fast and feeling great so try them. Did you know that dieting can actually make you fat? Instead of two to three larger meals a day like people would normally eat, start eating 6 small proportioned and low calorie meals throughout the day. These meals should be small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Be sure to spread your meals out evenly from the time you wake up till about 8 Pm. It is good to stop eating at least 3 hours before you go to bed because any food in your stomach does not digest while you are sleeping. Stick to only healthy foods from the grocery stores. Do your best to stay away fromfast foodchains. Fast food packs pounds on faster than you'd think and will really slow down the weight loss process. If you are in need of a quick meal from a fast food drive thru, be sure to order the healthiest thing you can on the menu. For instance a salad would be your best choice. This becomes especially apparent around this time of year when we all start to think about looking our best for Christmas. Lets get real for a minute, you did not just wake up one morning and find yourself weighing 1 or 2 stone heavier than you did before you went to bed. This has been a build up of eating the wrong foods for a number of months. [url=][/url] This will not only cleanse your body, it will also help make it function well. The ultimate Maqui Berry weight loss formula is finally here, and many are excited. Those, especially, who are on the heavy side, are looking forward to taking Maqui Berry. Enjoyed for many years already by the Mapuche Indians the Maqui Berry has only been recently made available to a greater number of people, but since its introduction, the berry has created quite a stir. Why all the fuss about Maqui Berry? The Maqui Berry, when ORAC-tested ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, revealed very high levels of antioxidants at 27,600 for every serving of 100 grams. This is way much higher than the Acai Berry which has an antioxidant level of 16,700 for every 100-gram serving, and every body knows that Acai Berry has been regarded as the best super fruit already. So what if Maqui berry has lots more antioxidants? The fact that Maqui berry proudly holds more antioxidants means that it has more health-giving properties. Antioxidants have always been associated with ageing, energy, and weight loss. Thus, the more antioxidants a fruit has, the better it is able to delay ageing and boost energy and metabolism, contributing to weight loss. Losing weight is something of a dream for a lot of people, and that makes the clamor for the Maqui Berry weight loss formula stronger. Maqui berry products come in several forms. Undercover Runner Your Action Plan Ready to venture into the wilderness? Take these steps before heading from the concrete or treadmill to the packed ground.
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