Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Steven Spielberg has ONE friend

Here I thought Steven Spielberg was the man, the ultimate draw in entertainment... but I was wrong. All my perceptions were destroyed when I saw on Facebook that Spielberg has only one friend... Nicolas Uribe.

What an amazing bond he and this one great friend must have-- Little Nicolas looks no more than 8 months old. How nice that Steven does not judge his friends based on their age. I'm sure Nicolas will not pass any judgement on the "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" or any of the potentially lame parts from the trailer. Also, I like how Steven has seemed to have forgotten how to spell his own first name, or is now going by the much more clever alter ego...Stevens. Nice.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Douchiest Skymall Advertisment Ever

I like Skymall Magazine. I like it mostly because of ads like this one which is for wireless headphones.

Let's take an inventory of this situation:

1. Pajamas back from dry cleaner, pressed and ready to go...CHECK.
2. Small Ass TV circa 1984... CHECK.
3. Bed pulled so close he could use headphones WITH wires...CHECK.
4. Douche Bag haircut...CHECK.
5. Hot wife sleeping next to him in his twin bed while he-- WATCHES TV? (WTF!!)...CHECK.

OKAY. I think everything is accounted for. This guy is all set to enjoy his headphones. Too bad he's a TOOL.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Jessica Alba's Neck is Very Long

I have evidence to support that Jessica Alba is not human:

Jessica Alba is most likely an E.T. The above images support this notion. Also, like E.T. her neck length changes with her emotional state.

Calm and relaxed:



Curious about the world:

The jury has returned. The verdict: She's an E.T.