Sunday, November 26, 2006
"I learned it by watching you!" Commercial
Friday, September 15, 2006
Steven Spielberg Screenwriter Lost at Sea!
This article has succeeded in its goal to capture and properly make fun of these idealist, so says the traffic statistics that I receive for this blog. The statistics site that I use also has a feature that provides a "hit map" which shows a Google Map of the world and pin points the location on the map for each visit I receive to the website and which article(s) that visitor viewed.

As you can see, this little blog is now a worldwide sensation, receiving hits from Europe, India, Africa, Saudi Arabia and many other places that hate the United States (like Florida for example). (Ah, but they like my that's a start.) I am sure that a book deal must certainly be on the horizon with this sort of global traffic. I'm sure that Steven Spielberg will soon want to make a movie about this website and how great it is. (But again...I steer back to my point.)
Imagine my surprise and concern for human welfare when I discovered the location of this visitor to my site:

There is also a very strong chance that it is Brad and Angelina's Noah's Arc-like Yacht attempting to contact Spielberg to negotiate a film deal, as they head back to the states after capturing hundreds of African children, forcing them from their homes and families and intent on subjugated them to a life of paparazzi photos, over-priced boutique children's clothes and an army of nannies the size of Canada's military. (Relax everyone: that's only like 15 nannies).
Monday, August 14, 2006
Alert the Media: Boy George Sweeps a Gutter

The image is so bizarre to see a crowd of reporters, stacked several people deep, with dozens of cameras pointed a man sweeping a street in an orange vest. If only all community service contributors were provided such attention, I suppose we'd see an increase in DUIs across the country. At any rate, I find this sort of "empty" news to be a waste of a front page headline, when there are so many more important things the world should be informed about. (It was the feature story on Yahoo, news). How embarrassing.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Steven Spielberg's Email Address
Notice the catchy title to this post? Its sole purpose is to attract the search results of millions of delusional goof balls out there who think they're going to search the internet for Spielberg's email address, then email him their script of "Indiana Jones 4".
You may briefly think that the sweet innocence of such a presumptuous maneuver is sort of "cute". However, that feeling of sympathy should be fleeting, or non-existent if the person is any older than, say-- six years old. Any older than that and you have a duty to make fun of them.
Take the hilarious example below that I came across, which illustrates the technique to perfection:

(click image to view larger)
This young man has no excuse. He's 14 and should know better. He only has four short years until he's allowed to vote, so let's hope he gets his head screwed on a little tighter before then. Just think, in less than 24 months of that post little Andrew could be behind the wheel of a car making decisions.
But shame on me. Let's not make fun of the children. They are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. So to any parents who say I should not mock a 14 year old's dreams, regardless of his complete lack of common sense, I provide the following public service:
Anyone interested in having Steven Spielberg direct a couple of their movies, should get a talent agent and have them send your script to the following address:
Creative Artists Agency
9830 Wilshire Blvd
Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA
Phone: 310.288.4545
Fax.: 310.288.4800
If that doesn't work, try:
Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
100 Universal Plaza, #477
Universal City, CA 91608, USA
Phone: 818.733.7000
If Spielberg still says no after all that effort, it's a lost cause. You'd better call up Rowland Emmerich. He'll direct just about anything.
p.s.- On second thought, forget Spielberg. Go to the below link to have a look at a REAL movie.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Overly Bossy Signs - Vol. I

Why must this sign be placed at the edge of the table? Servers have been using these signs to identify tables and their corresponding orders for decades, are they only effective in a certain position at the edge of an eating surface? I decided to test the validity of this instruction; to challenge the "status quo" by placing this sign in the exact CENTER of our table. Observe below image:

Yes, this may be a risky gamble if you're hungry and need a guarantee that your server won't get confused. But I was feeling a sense of adventure that morning. I'm happy to report that our food arrived without incident. Feel free to experiment with disobeying overly bossy signs on your own and please post your comments here.
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Best Calculator in the World

Ground breaking. A calculator that is great for solving math problems. It's revolutionary.
The magic doesn't stop there. This amazing calculator not only calculates, but it also DISPLAYS its calculations. It doesn't keep those calculations a secret like those stupid, selfish other "non Display" calculators. It actually shows you all of the amazing things it calculates so that you don't have to remember them in your head. It "displays" them conveniently for you to enjoy.
You see, this thing is great at calculating. It's what it does best. It knows how to do it and it proves it by showing you. If you want something that merely estimates math problems for you, then keep shopping because this isn't it. Perhaps you'd be more interesting in this less superior product:

Why waste your time with Epinions or any of those silly product review sites. You heard it here...and by my exact estimation this website is really great for displaying text and images in your web browser.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Buying Homes: For the Rich or Stupid?
Exhibit A: This quaint little cottage. Note: The word quaint in used here as a synonym for "smaller than a dog house". (Is that roof rotting?)
This pile of lumber is on the market for $619,000. And no, I didn't Photoshop that extra zero on the end for laughs. That's Six Hundred and Nineteen Thousand dollars and 00/100 for those of you ready to write the check. You'll also notice that for your money, you'll be enjoying a very spacious 688 square feet. The good news is that you can give people a tour of your home by standing in place and slowly spinning in a circle, right arm extended with your palm facing the ceiling. "Lovely isn't it?" The bad news: You paid $899.71 for that single square foot you'd be rotating on. A standard six foot living room couch would sit on approximately $16,194.78 worth of fine California real estate. At $6.25 per square inch, a letter sized sheet of paper at the same rate would cost you $584.37
The real comedy arrives on the scene when you behold...
Exhibit B: The description of the listing
(click on the image to zoom in on the text)
The first line: "This is a modern turn of the century home."(Ooooohh!) We read on to discover the headlining features of this modern classic. First on the list: "New designer front porch". That's it? That's the #1 selling point? What qualifies as a designer front porch anyway? Is it Armani? Is it Dolce & Gabana two by fours?
Please control your excitement: It has "newer" cabinets in the kitchen. They're not new...they're newer. Newer than what? We don't know. But we know they are newer than something, and that's what's really important. This house is also fully tricked out with the following amenities: a stove, a dishwasher, a garbage disposal. Now that's luxury! Also contained within the four walls are lights that are on dimmer switches! Amazing!
My advice: Move to beautiful San Antonio Texas where you can own this home for $600,000
You'll enjoy 4,728 square feet on 1.19 acres of land. And you'll have $19,000 left over to commute to your job in Los Angeles!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Cool Kids Know How to Punctuate
The only thing better than laughing at stupid people is laughing at large groups of stupid people, sometimes called "Corporations". It's funny to see corporations make dumb mistakes, because you know that the mistake was seen by at least 18 levels of management before it reaches us, the lowly consumer, yet still they got it wrong. The example in today's class is the correct use of the apostrophe. This tid bit of useful knowledge seems to have eluded 99.9999999999% of literate people. (And if you're wondering, it eluded 100% of illiterate people--duh.) If you already know how to use the apostrophe correctly, you should go look in the mirror right now and say "congratulations" to yourself. You are among the .00000000001% elite who didn't fall asleep that day in 4th grade English class.
Chuckle #1:

Most nouns get an "s" added to them when there are more than one. More than one nugget = nuggets. There are some cases where a noun has its own special version of the word for its plural form, such as "Cities". There's no quicker way to look like an idiot than to write "I went to many citys during my trip." But if you catch someone describing many cars with the word "car's" you have every right to tease them about it.
There are only two instances when one should use apostrophe+s:
1) To indicate the possessive of a noun: The cat's balls. The dog's bone. The president's low approval ratings. Ryan Seacrest's funny hair.. and so on.
(Note: Contrary to popular practice, it is also correct to add apostrophe + s to singular words ending in "s". "Chris's house" should not be "Chris' house" although that is so commonly done that it's accepted in spite of its incorrect use. The truly correct use of the s+apostrophe is only to indicate possession for PLURAL NOUNS. "Players' Union" to indicate the union of many players. "the cows' barn" to describe the place where many cows live, etc.
2) When you are writing a contraction. There's (for "there is"), here's (for "here is"), it's (for "it is").
Note: You should not add apostrophe+s to the word "it" when "it" possesses something. You just write "its" and the word is already possessive. For example: "The dog licks its tush." "It's" is only to be used as a contraction of "it is". (Never mind that "Tush" is probably the goofiest word in the English language.)
There you have it. So simple, yet so impossibly confusing to so many. Among those many:

Oh wait, I found Catherine's apostrophe. It was stolen by Han for his beauty store, which you'll notice from the roof of the building, is in the same shopping center as Catherine and her plus sizes. Kudos to Han for using his apostrophe correctly, but I'm afraid he loses all credit for knowing the English language with his wacked spelling of the word "Store". Do not shop here:

Nice try Han. You were so close to being cool. Unless your last name is "Solo" then you're washed up. Don't you know that you can't sell beauty? Stop deceiving people and get a real job.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
I Feel Violated and Used
Speed bump signs usually say something descriptive like: SPEED BUMP. Or for those neighborhoods where people need clarification on which direction they need to be traveling to heed the warning, you might get: SPEED BUMP AHEAD. (Not to be confused with SPEED BUMP BEHIND, which would be funny.) However, I've never come across this variety which had text which, up until this point, I thought meant something entirely different:

Speed Hump? HUMP?!!?? What happened to BUMP? A speed hump is not something you drive over, it's something you drive home after an uncomfortable silence. (If you're courteous enough). It's something you do if you're late for work, or on your lunch and pressed for time. You might encounter a speed hump in a broom closet, an airplane bathroom, or when stopped at a long red light and you get bored. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IT'S NOT A STREET SIGN!
And why use the word "Speed" in the sign that's trying to get people to slow-the-F down? You get some joker who puts a piece of dried up chewing gum on the sign and half wits all over town mistake it for a comma and read the sign: "SPEED, BUMP" But really who are we kidding? Most don't even look up from their iPods long enough to see those street signs, and when we encounter speed bumps we may go slow over the bump, but then slam the accelerator to the floor to get to the next bump as fast as possible so that our average speed remains the same as if there were no speed bumps.
Speed Hump. Who writes these signs? Probably the same guy who wrote "Brief Case" on that art supply folder. (see archived post "A Briefcase for Morons".
Monday, March 27, 2006
100% Fool Proof Solution for Preventing Door Dings
Sunday, March 26, 2006
A Briefcase for Morons

50 cents worth of enjoyment

The funny part about this situation right here is the text written on the base of the ride. Can you make it out? Here's a close up:

The maker of this ride thought maybe little Timmy might not get his 50 cents worth without the proper motivation; without the proper subliminal suggestion that he should enjoy himself while riding Dino. Or perhaps they were just overly polite manufactures of lame disease carrying kiddie rides, genuinely thanking the children for selecting their ride and honestly wishing them enjoyment while they ride.
Personally, I think this ride is entirely too bossy. What if the paying customer does not want the ride to be enjoyed? What then? A refund?
This Elevator is Nasty
